Therapy Hub Portal

Building an Seamless Product Experience for Client Therapy Offerings

The multidisciplinary team was tasked with designing and developing a client therapies portal aimed at educating caregivers, patients, and healthcare providers about upcoming therapy treatment launches and services for various conditions.

While our primary focus was on caregivers and patients dealing with three specific diseases, the design and assets provided allow for scalability, enabling them to target numerous conditions and audiences.

Design a Portal that enables essential information to confidently start and better navigate the therapy journeys for different conditions.

My role

  • UI Lead
  • UX Designer


Our main goal in mind: help people navigate their therapy journey.

To make this possible, we needed to create a main concept, tone, and ideation that supports people and informs them in a simple way.

Your ally on every Step

A place for connection where you can find the support
you’ll need all along your journey.

UX understanding

As a team we work on understanding the client's needs and crafting the solution through blueprint analysis, workshops, and creation of an information architecture.

Look and feel and wireframes

I guided conceptualization and exploration of look and feel while ensuring coherence with client’s Design Systems. I created Style Tiles for early design exploration, expediting client approval and accelerating progression to high-fidelity wireframes.

Image library & documentation

Given the tight deadline, I proposed a collaborative approach to building the image library by introducing a modular system. This system enabled us to generate a variety of illustrations by combining shared baseline elements in different ways. This streamlined image creation process for the team while maintaining consistency.


This experience reinforced the importance of a user-centered approach, particularly in healthcare. Also, teamwork was fundamental in overcoming project challenges, close collaboration and clear communication with my colleagues, leaders and partners was crucial. This experience enhanced my leadership skills and encouraged me to come up with creative and more efficient approaches to work.


CLIENT: Reserved
cOMPANY: Accenture
UX Lead: Bonnie Lawrence
UX: Juan Pablo Blandón, Lindsey Ambrose
UI Lead: Juan Pablo Blandón
UI junior: Jose Picado
Copy writer: Maylú Sánchez
DATE: March 2023